Hey there, fellow aspiring novelists and occasional daydreamers! Have you ever sat down with your glass of wine in a cozy wine bar, looked out the window, and thought, “You know what? I could totally write a book!” Sure, we’ve all been there. It seems like a piece of cake until you’re staring at a blank page, trying to figure out how to start your epic masterpiece.
Well, fear not, because November is here, and with it comes National Novel Writing Month, or as it’s more commonly known, NaNoWriMo. It’s that magical time of year when writers from all walks of life gather to take on the daunting challenge of writing a 50,000-word novel in just 30 days. Yes, you read that right. It’s like a literary marathon for the creative soul.
NaNoWriMo was what finally got me to sit down and start writing after years of dreaming about it. I decided to dive into this wild adventure in 2016, and guess what? I managed to write 70,000 words, nearly eighty percent of the first draft of my very first book, Dying in Dallas, during NaNoWriMo. While the title might sound ominous, the experience was a rollercoaster of hilarity and heartbreak. Let’s just say that I might have written myself into a corner or two and left my characters in some questionable situations. It took me nearly four years to get Dying in Dallas to the point where I could publish it, but without NaNoWriMo to give me the initial push, it might never have seen the light.
So, for all you brave souls gearing up for this literary sprint, I’ve got five quick tips to help you prepare for and conquer NaNoWriMo:
- Carve Out Time to Write: Make sure you set aside dedicated writing time in your busy schedule. NaNoWriMo is all about consistency, so find your daily writing slot and stick to it.
- Plan Ahead, but Not Too Much: Some writers are meticulous planners, while others are pantsters – they fly by the seat of their pants. Find your balance. An outline can help, but leave room for spontaneity.
- Go for a Walk: If you get stuck, take a stroll, and let your mind wander. Trust me, some of my best ideas pop up when I’m meandering around the neighborhood or a forest trail.
- Join a Supportive Community: The NaNoWriMo community is an incredible resource. Connect with fellow writers, attend local write-ins, and find your writing tribe for encouragement and a healthy dose of humor.
- Stock Up on Wine: Forget the wine flights – you’re going to need a well-stocked cellar to keep those creative juices flowing. Your local winery is about to become your second home. You didn’t think I was going to leave wine out of this, did you? Silly, silly writers. Hemingway always said, “write drunk, edit sober.”
Remember, NaNoWriMo is all about fun and the sheer joy of writing. So, whether you finish with a literary masterpiece or a novel that’s basically a giant plot hole, it’s all good. The journey is the destination, and you’ll have an adventure that’s worthy of its own book someday.
So, grab that laptop, a fresh notebook, and your trusty pen, and let the writing commence! This November, you’ve got 50,000 words to conquer, and I believe in you.
This NaNoWriMo I’ll be focused on finishing the first draft of Whining in Wolfland. This will be my second November with that as my goal. Hey, some NaNoWriMos go better than others. I hope you’ll join me with whatever novel you have banging around in your head.