An Early Launch
Dying in Dallas launched on July 28th, two days ahead of my planned date. As someone who is perpetually late and a procrastinator, this was a monumental accomplishment.
About Dying in Dallas
There is a blurb about the book here, but the short version is that Laramie Harper’s thirtieth birthday weekend takes a terrible turn because of vampires, werewolves, and the search for a centuries-old relic. The story is filled with voodoo, wine, dogs, and more than a few sexy men.
Where to Get Your Copy
The paperback is available to order online at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
The ebook is available exclusively on Amazon. It is enrolled in Kindle Unlimited, so if you have a KU subscription you can read it for free.
You can also read Dying in Dallas for free by requesting your library add it to their collection.
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